COMMITMENT! Most of us love to decide not to decide.
Decided not to decide make us stuck with our life and we cannot move on. The word “Commitment” itself sometimes intimidate us. Why?
Because when we commit to something for whatever it is, means no excuse is accepted. One easy way out commonly people would say “I’ll try”. We should breakthrough this, either we do or we don’t no such try.
Even though in the end we did not get it perfect but at least “we did it”. It always be better than we never do it at all. In life is the same, some people will ask will it be easy? NO…. will it hurt? YES…. will it pain? YES…… will it difficult? YES…. Even though it is difficult, hurt and pain so what? Remember no pain no gain…
How can I commit to commitment?
Most of the time, we commit when we have promised to teach or deliver a task. This is how usually we complete our work at our jobs. For our dream and personal goal, we seldom make any promises to ourselves. This is why 10% of the human population earn 90% of it.
From today onwards, examine your dreams and goals and break them into small goals. Choose a person in your life and tell him or her that you will deliver your goal to them. This does not need to be the same person for each goal, and you can choose from your spouse, children, friends, parents or colleagues.
The important part is to find someone that is interested in your goal. It is a promise to yourself. You will subconsciously begin to think about how you can deliver each goal, and you will be encouraged by a sense of urgency. This process will help you grow and learn. You are moving closer to your dream.
“You could be the next great person to help thousands, or even millions, of people through teaching.”
– Franky Ronaldy & Meow Ling Ng