Reveal this missing section in our Chapter 1 – Unhappiness of Life Sucks! Book, EGO.
During situation especially when difficulties and pressures involved, people will look into the external factors like their reputation, position, level, and the price to protect themselves. As long as there is a high price to be paid, the mind will try to find many ways to turn situation into their advantage. This will flip the atmosphere and mood of the situation. In the event that we are being corner, our pride will take higher precedence in making decision.
Statements like “Nobody knows better than me”, “I’m right”, “You don’t understand me”, “You have to listen to me”, “Who are you to tell me what to do”, etc. This is called EGO. It is the dead end statement that nobody can argue with it.
Ego mindset is due to pride and will always lead to the situation where we are not open to anything else because we are the only one that knows everything. Learning is non-stop till the end of our life. There is so much for everyone to discover and to learn. Even an adult can learn from a little kid. Parents can learn how to use new devices from their children.
A teacher can learn how to see from another angle from their students. An junior employee can spark creative idea to resolve problem where bosses cannot see it. In this information age, everything is changing so fast. What we know today may be outdated tomorrow.
Humble is the right word to be planted in our mind. Perspective of looking into any matters, regardless of ages, position, level and seniority, we should begin by a mindset of asking ourselves, what is the lesson learned and what can I do better in future? This will then leads us to be a better tomorrow. Success in any venture will come eventually.
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We also have other goodies to share with you. Recently, we have launched a secret mind recipe – All About The Mind. It is 100% FREE. In case you missed it earlier, you might want to know how our thoughts affect our daily life.